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Making PYP Integration Happen


At the end of October, when autumn is in full swing and the leaves are yellowing, the Xinhua Academy Integration Department welcomed a new Parents' Opening Day. Parents' Opening Day, an event where students and parents can experience the school life together.

公开课Opening Class

语文探究课程 Chinese Inquiry


May broke the traditional pattern of students in class and parents observation in the classroom, allowing parents to participate in the class from the students' point of view, discussing the writing techniques of folk tales with the children, sorting out the structure of the text together, and questioning the teachers' teaching methods, so that they could really experience the children's joy of learning in the language classroom.


英语探究课程 English Inquiry


Teacher Scott and the children explored the topic of "climate and planets" together, and through the way of performances and questionnaires, children learned about the expressions of climate and planets in English.

At the same time, Scott invited parents and children to explore the past tense of verbs in the context and really understand the children's daily teaching patterns and activities.


视觉艺术探究课程 Visual Art Inquiry

艺术课程的尹立老师运用IB PYP的超学科模式,打破传统艺术课的边界,从中国的甲骨文到北美原住民的文字,开启了一场横跨大西洋的探索之旅,在课程中我们严格执行教学步骤,融入小组合作,让学生在小组合作中探索土著印第安人文字的奥妙,并将其以艺术的形式展现出来。家长们在课堂开始前收到了老师的课时教案,老师在课后也积极的与家长进行了沟通,整个展示课积极活泼,富有活力。

Using IB PYP's transdisciplinary theme program, teacher Li broke the boundaries of traditional art classes and embarked on a transatlantic journey of discovery from Chinese oracle bones to North American Native American writing. Parents received lesson plans from the teacher before the class beginning, and teacher actively communicated with parents after the class, making the entire presentation active, lively and energetic.

数学探究课程 Math Inquiry


Math teacher Polly led students and parents to experience the inquiry-based classroom together. The class started with a pre-assessment to understand students' basic knowledge of averages, then started with finding the average of a set of data entering today's math inquiry journey, teaching with concept tendency, understanding the concept of average, mastering common methods to find the average, and then deepening the connection between the average and this set of data and its role with reverse thinking. Finally, a post-assessment will be given to allow everyone to properly assess where they are in their learning and where they want to go in the future.


Students Presentation and Parent-Teacher Communication Moment

家长交流分享会 Parents Meeting

在学生成果展示后,每个班级还召开了以工作坊为形式的家长交流分享会。回归班级,班主任先介绍了PYP 完整的IB课程体系,然后和家长们畅所欲言,共同制定家校之间沟通的公约,分享孩子们在班上和家里的表现,抒发对孩子们未来成长道路上的期望。

After exhibition, parents back to each class to have a parents workshop. Homeroom teacher introduced PYP IB firstly, and then parents and teachers discussed in details. They made essential agreement together, shared students' performance at home and school, and also set expectations for students in the future.


总结 Conclusion


This opening day was well received by parents. It really allowed parents to go deep into the classroom, see their children's performance in the classroom, feel the relationship between teachers and students, listen to their children's voices, understand their learning and life at school, and realize direct two-way communication between home and school. The parents not only enjoyed the teachers' teaching style, but also really felt the teachers' love for the students. The integration department has always believed in love, love in return, love to nurture love. As long as teachers have students in their hearts and children's future in their hearts, they can achieve children's future.


We believe that with the joint care and close cooperation of teachers and parents, students in the integration department will grow up healthily and strongly, and become better versions of themselves with a solid academic foundation and diversified comprehensive literacy.





  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888



  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • *参观人数/Number of Visitors:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888




