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XHA Maker Faire丨国际融合部校园创客作品展

时间飞速而过,转眼已经来到了12月,国际融合部PYP的同学们都取得了显著进步。第二单元的结束对同学们来说是一个里程碑,在此次“Maker Faire·创意展”中,学生们分享他们的学习成果,并进行展示与陈述,完整地向参观者描述他们的制作过程。

It is already December! The last couple of months have gone by really fast and all the kids in our PYP section are showing outstanding progress in their learning. The end of unit two was a milestone for all our kids which culminated in the first ever school Maker Faire in Anhui province. The students shared their learning with the learning community and explained their final projects. Their presentations involved introducing the ‘maker’ process from beginning to end.




The final products were not just random ideas, but were all connected to their classes individual units of inquiry.




Grade 1 learned about their families and why it is important to document our family history. At the end of the unit one of their projects was to make soap to share with their family. Plastimake - plastic you can shape with your hands - was used to make objects they connected with their family. For some students, these turned into toys.




Grade 2 and 3 learned about architecture and how climate affects our choices of building and building materials. Over the course of 6 weeks, students created different kinds of buildings, using different kinds of materials and design ideas. For their final project, students chose a climate and designed buildings that would take into consideration the area it would be built in, being in harmony with nature and using building materials that were sustainable.




Grade 4 and 5 learned about forces and motion. They looked at how the understanding of forces and motion helps inventors, and also how inventions have influenced our lives…and still continue to do so. An inquiry into inventors gave the students a first idea what forces and motions are. Archimedes was on top of the list of most students research. With their newly won knowledge a lot of experimentation was set into motion. After that some students challenged themselves to invent their own simple machines.




Grade 6 students put themselves into the shoes of scientists and focused on how scientists observe, experiment and work methodically in order to understand the world. The continuation of the chicken project was just one of the many undertakings the students put on display. Using wood and a leaf blower - An actual hover board was built!








  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888



  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • *参观人数/Number of Visitors:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888




