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Life Project(G6)丨“生命初探”探究单元成果初现





Grade 6 in International Integration Department embarked on a student led inquiry science project in November to incubate and hatch 36 eggs into chicks. To this end, G6 purchased an incubator and a brooder. This process normally takes 21 days and the incubator temperature was 37.5℃. Students set the temperature of the incubator at 37.5℃ and the incubator also turned the eggs every 90 minutes. The class began with 36 eggs but only 30 eggs developed chicks inside. Due to low humidity 24 of the 30 eggs were successful in finally hatching into young healthy chicks. The final 3 days in the incubator was called lockdown. During lockdown the humidity was increased to over 70% so it was easier for the chicks to break the shell of the eggs. The successful chicks were left in the incubator for 24 hours for their feathers to dry. Then the chicks were moved to a brooder where the air temperature was maintained at 35℃ by G6 students.







Similar to young children most chicks spend their time eating, drinking, sleeping and playing. As their feathers do not offer full protection from the cold for the first 6 weeks,a heat lamp is required in the brooder by G6 students. The breed of chicken the class selected to hatch is called Silkie and it is a native breed to China. The feathers are all white and the skin is black. The chickens will be full grown in 6 weeks. They will start to lay eggs in the spring after about 6 months. G6 plans to keep a small hobby coop of about 2-3 roosters and 6-8 hens in a remote corner just inside the school boundary. The class hopes to get 12-24 eggs per week as the weather warms in the spring.


In this activity, G6 students presented on the theme of life exploration in the PYP primary class. In the reflection after the chicks hatched, the class plan for improvement is to use a donut shaped humidifier next time to increase and keep the humidity more stable in the final days of incubation.

鸡蛋孵化项目与世界如何运转的主题相关。这个项目进一步扩展了对联合国可持续发展目标SDGs 2 -零饥饿的探究。通过这个活动,G6学生讨论了粮食安全、改善营养和可持续农业等话题。孵化过程培养了学生的动手能力,实践能力,增加了科学素养,更重要的是增强了学生对于生命的敬畏与感恩之心。

The egg incubation project is related to our current unit of inquiry. Further the learning expanded on the inquiry about UN Sustainable Development Goal SDGs 2 - Zero Hunger. Grade 6 discussed the measurable targets of food security, improved nutrition and sustainable farming. In addition, the incubation process cultivates students' operational ability, practical ability and scientific literacy. And more importantly, it enhances students' awe and gratitude for life.


“教授可持续发展最好的方法是让学生与自然建立一种深入的个人联系,这种联系希望能持续一生。小鸡对每个学生来说都很可爱和有吸引力。小鸡是一个载体,可以让学生更广泛地欣赏和认识鼓舞人心的自然世界。” 项目指导教师——肖恩·芬尼根。

"Sustainability is best taught by giving student a deep personal connection to nature that will hopefully continue for a lifetime. Chicks are cute and attractive to almost every young student. The chicks are just a vehicle for giving students a broader appreciation and awareness of the inspiring natural world around us." The mentor for the project-Sean Finnegan.





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  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

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  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • *参观人数/Number of Visitors:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888




