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Lien Feng, Liam, first year student from Xinhua Academy of Hefei Primary School. Liam is six years old and comes from Hefei, but his dad is from America. He likes dancing, swimming, playing baseball, and playing with his toys. He likes baseball because his Dad and his grandfathers were all baseball fans and they all like the Boston Red Sox. Liam can also speak the Hefei dialect. He wishes to have a great time during his primary school life in Xinhua. When he grows up, he wants to be a fireman because he wants to be strong, brave, and be able to help people who needed.




谈到对新华公学老师的印象,Mr. Adams笑着说:“虽然还没有和老师们有太多的面对面接触,但Liam的话更有信服力!”Liam觉得新华公学的老师们都特别和蔼可亲,并且能够关注到每一个学生,Liam特别喜欢他的体育老师。同时,Mr. Adams说,自己在新华公学也有熟悉的外籍教师,他们都是十分专业,认真负责的老师们。

我们问及Mr. Adams为何会选择新华公学,他说:“首先主要想让Liam接触到中国的历史、语言和文化教育,并结合西方语言和学习实践。由于Liam是一个中美混血儿,我们希望找到一个学校,既符合他的身份,又尊重他是独特的,而新华公学恰恰是实现中西方融合的最佳选择。”

另一个吸引Mr. Adams的方面就是新华公学丰富的ECP校本课程。之前,Mr. Adams夫妇为了把Liam培养成一个全面发展的孩子,花了很多时间往返于不同的培训学校,接送Liam学习艺术、拳击、游泳等。但作为父母,他们并不想孩子的全部周末时间都被活动和培训班占满,因此还会每周抽空去不同的地方游玩,这导致Liam的业余时间几乎为零,父母也非常劳累。而新华公学ECP课程让Liam在学校里就能完成所有兴趣班的课程,给他节省出了很多周末的放松时间。




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I found that Liam became more accustomed to a school routine after attending the Summer Camp. As the last few weeks of his summer vacation were self admittedly quite lazy, getting up early, getting on the school bus, being in a school setting all day, and then getting to bed early was challenging at first, he quickly grew accustomed to the new routine and started to realize that his quickly approaching life as a primary school student was not only achievable, but fun. He said he was going to try to make one new friend every day and reported his relative successes and failures in meeting this target to me daily. I am happy to say he met his target more than not. Most importantly, I feel the summer camp was a great way to transition from the relaxed nature of summer vacation into the start of the school year. While it was partially academic, it had just enough play time to help Liam transition into a grade one student.

To be honest, I haven't had much direct contact with the teachers yet myself and can only speak to Liam's perception of them. He has told us that his teachers are friendly and he feels that they care about him as an individual. He is especially fond of his Physical Education teacher. I have quite a few personal acquaintances who are international teachers at Xinhua and know for a fact that they are qualified, dedicated, and professional.

We decided on Xinhua because we wanted Liam to be exposed to both the history, language, and culture of Chinese education in conjunction with Western languages and academic practice. As Liam is half Chinese and Half American, we wanted to find an educational option that would be both congruent to his identity and understanding of him being different. We felt Xinhua Academy was the best option for achieving this blend of East and West. In addition, Xinhua had an excellent selection of extracurricular options. While we previously spent a lot of our time bouncing from training school to training school for art, boxing, swimming, etc., Xinhua academy gave us the opportunity to get all of these extra lessons in one place without making our family schedule overwhelming. While having hobbies and extracurricular activities is important in developing Liam into a well-rounded young man, traveling to multiple locations weekly to do so led to a lack of family time. With these options all being offered at Xinhua, home time can be home time. Lastly, and most importantly, the smaller class size at Xinhua allows Liam's teachers to know and understand him as an individual student. This added personalization in the teacher/student relationship will allow the teachers to give him more individual attention and help him to not only grasp knowledge, but also develop into the best young learner he can possibly be.





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  • *学生姓名/Student Name:

  • *性别/Gender:

  • *手机号码/Phone No.:

  • *参观学部/Participation:

  • *申请年级/Anticipated Grade of Entry:

  • *参观人数/Number of Visitors:

  • 注:标“*”选项为必填项!请务必正确填写联系方式,如有疑问请致电招生办:0551-6558 6888




